You Reap What You Siem

From an impromptu conversation on travels, I booked flight tickets to Siem Reap just 3 days before the flight date.

Never really thought of going to Cambodia before this but I just saw a documentary on Angkor Wat and thought that I should see the largest religious site in the world.

We reached Siem Reap at 8am when all of the Happy Pizza restaurants are still closed.
Our hotel, which we thought was a simple, cheap backpacker joint turned out to be a cool colonial mini-resort.

We walked outside, saw a place that rented out bicycles and rented for each. We were looking for the museum but after 3 hours in the hot, dry sun and everyone pointing straight forward each time we asked for directions, we gave up. We did stop by few temples and saw everyday Cambodian life while cycling. They are relaxed,  very. Time moves very very slowly here.

We cycled by Pub Street and had brunch at a hip looking restaurant. Then we cycled back and slept.
Ate Happy Pizza for dinner and was happy (though we ordered extremely happy). Had to sleep early as we plan to go Angkor Wat at sunrise.

A cool hangout in Siem Reap

Some kids asked for donations but I told them I'd rather buy them breakfast.After breakfast, they became our tourist guides at the main temple. Well, it's always good to have locals to explain things from their point of view. Anyway, they were really nice kids and I kinda miss them when we left.

Looking at the people here, they ain't got much. But seriously, I see them and most of them probably live happier lives than wealthy Malaysians who keep complaining about everything. That got me back into perspective. Life ain't about what's outside, its about what's inside.

Churning the Ocean of Milk 

Our tourist guides
Where I stayed. RM 50 per night
A mosque in Siem Reap
A Muslim girl taking a break between classes

Angkor Wat at sunrise
Boat ride at Ton Le Sap lake
I imagined this place to be where they made sacrifices. Imagined a falling head from top of the stairs
Angkor Wat pass


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