Its okay to live life as a loser

We are all losers at some things. Philosophically speaking, the important thing is to chose your goals carefully and while trying to achieve them (even small hedonistic goals) you try to do more good in the world, then evil. As long as you help more than hurt, then any labels you or others wish to pin to yourself are ok, loser or not, you’re moving in a “good” direction. If you define being a loser as hurting other people, then you must stop yourself. Remember, we all all losers and we can all be winners at the same times. 

I think most of us are unhappy with our own selves more than anything.  As fucked up as it may sound, this holds quite true. The problem is that most unhappy people let people around them determine what heights, strengths, and goals they can or cannot achieve. Then, they also have their own strong expectations for themselves that they have set and when they don't meet them, they punish themselves. They also run around trying to please everyone AND themselves. They usually try to fulfil someone else's expectations and dreams, keeping them unhappy. Its like a monkey around their backs, pulling them down everytime.

In life, you want to experience it all - tragedy,love,money,poverty,success.

Being a loser is a mindset more than anything.

People, that view themselves as being losers, tend to not make a risk towards the unknown and the unrecognized. Why is that?

Irrational fear.

Is it rational to fear potential growth and self-development?


A winner knows one way of winning, while a loser knows 999 ways which won’t make you win.

Winning is fruitful, while losing is rewarding. You get to learn a lot through losing, which may not be possible with winning. Losing keeps you grounded, while instant win can lead to ego.

It is important to not take losing to heart. We all have to lose to learn and gain experiences. It is more fruitful than winning.

Well, I think its okay not to meet personal or even other people's expectations. Its okay to fall below the bar of mediocrity and fall deep in the losing end. Its okay to be a loser.

Now, here are the plus points :

1. The experience of losing is priceless
Being a loser means you have the experience of losing. Now, the more you lose, the more experience you have in losing. What better lesson can be taught in life, other than the humiliating fact that you have lost. The destroyed hope, the humility, the jealousy, the blown pride, the broken dreams, the shattered life. Now, if you are going through your whole life, as a loser, it won't mean much any more  You have learned so much from losing that you have finally know what to do and you find out that its not so bad after all. You can cope and even ride the wave of loserdom at your own cruise speed.

2. Nobody notices losers
Society only remember the champions. People rarely give attention to losers. Losers can sneak around the background of people's lives and grab opportunities that everyone else misses. If a loser fails at something, no one gives a hoot. Losers have their lives free and wild, and that's what that makes life beautiful, ain't it?

3. Losers are independent
Having not many people to rely on, losers are creative people that make do with what the world gives them. This makes them resilient and strong. They need very little and use up every bit ( the value of stuff goes high , when one has not much). Resourceful people, losers are.

4. Humble
Losers are humble. And humility is a powerful virtue, every religion, race, society teachings reverberate the importance of humility.

5. Compassionate
Losers understand how it is to be on the losing end. They feel people who are down in the dumps. They recognise the hurt people feel. They empathy and they love courageously because they have nothing to lose.

So come on, rejoice. Lose something today and join the legion of losers that is ever growing. 

 I checked out of the "rat race". I had a corporate 9 to 5 job, had to wear a suit, had to go to meetings and networking events, and so on. By all accounts, I was "successful". But I hated it. It wasn't for me. 

I will say that having some financial stability is important. It's not about how much you bring in, but having at least RM1,000 in the bank for emergencies (and then adding to it) is necessary. 


  1. I think it's a solid post Lid .
    For one to be truly on the losing end ,
    He or she requires a v high self-esteem .
    Me thinks but whoever gets to achieve this ,
    They never lost to begin with .


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