Giving up on humanity
Humans emerged as a species about 200,000 years ago. Just 10,000 years ago, there were one million of us. Just over 200 years ago, in 1800, there were 1 billion of us. By 1960, 50 years ago, there were 3 billion of us. There are now over 7 billion of us. By 2050, your children, or your children's children, will be living on a planet with at least 9 billion other people. Some time towards the end of this century, there will be at least 10 billion of us. Possibly more.
Humans, as a species, is a failure. We are given the brain, the most advanced item in the Universe that brought us great gifts such as the ability to communicate, think and create wonderful stuff. We were able to build complex things that changes our environment and make humans live easily. But after all that great strides of discoveries and achievements, humans have regressed.
Humans have regressed. We have become so obsessed with material things and power and greed that altruism is almost as good as dead. We don't talk to each other. People that we meet everyday are ignored. Our neighbours, the bus driver, the same commuters who we see everyday on the way to work (enslaving ourselves to pay debts that we made buying things that are overpriced and heavily taxed) . Yet we pursue to connect to strangers on social media and share the most intimate things we don't share to our partners that we live everyday with. We don't communicate to people that we care and we based our assumptions on the notion that other people can read our minds and know our innermost thoughts. We don't talk to anyone any more and yet we keep complaining of feeling alone.
We let politicians do the talking for us to carry the torch of justice and fairness but they themselves have tied themselves to even bigger politicians and the bigger politicians are tied to even bigger powers in the world that controls the world, that the voice of the people is never ever heard. There are no more real leaders and even if they are, they will be smirched in scandals from the opposing team and be made to look so dirty that people are afraid to support any more.
Humans have made our lives so complex that a caveman would prefer to stay in a cave rather than deal with laws, policies, taxes, cultures, political correctness, gadgetries addiction etc. We create cultures that oppresses others and we make everyday things so complex that humans don't know how to find food, make clothing or sleep without a roof. Being married and having a family is so difficult that other species look at us and laugh while they doggystyle their way effortlessly. In this world, dogs and cats are the true kings of the big blue planet we call earth.
Humans refuse to progress. We want to stay the same and remain the same. We want to be in our comfort zone, surrounded by the same people that we think we belong and we differentiate people by terms such as religion, race and colour of the skin or by the music that we hear or the clothes that we wear. Anything as long as we can differentiate people and hate them accordingly. We refuse to accept people that actually do no harm to us like lesbian and gays and yet we let the big multinationals skin humans alive with their control and destruction of the economy. Poverty goes unchecked and starving children die but when there is a rise in prices of goods, people will go angry. People that brings happiness to others are persecuted as being immoral and people who spew hatred are lifted as heroes. Greed is encouraged and everyone wants big things, big houses, big tits, big cars to show off to people that in turns show off with bigger things and then they go depressed because they cannot compete then they badmouth the others of greed and corrupted means of getting wealth.
We refuse to acknowledge facts that were established with clinical, scientific trials yet we take some stupid unrelated, unverified claim from someone claiming to represent the almighty to be the truth and carry that with our own lives and we impose in on our children and everyone around us without questions. Scientists are avoided because they carry the evil words of those who are hell bent on making the world a place for the disbelievers while the unknowledgeable people who use fear, intimidation and threats of the afterlife that no one has ever been to, is praised and lifted as the moral superior for humans to take example from.
We keep to silly superstitions that have no basis and we fight over who have the best superstition. We argue and fight and kill others who simply disagree with the line of thought, the same line of thought that must not be questioned, that cannot be revised or even altered when we know that the only thing that made humans what we are today is our ability to adapt and change. When people suffer from these superstitions we let them be, we don't take responsibility because it is not our job since it is already "fated' to be that way. And that limits us. That halts our progress and humanity accepts that because its destiny and its fated. Even a dog wouldn't take its fate the way humans do it.
Every year, the environment get more polluted, the weather becomes worst. The pollution caused by industry and human lifestyle is increasing although fact shows that global warming is a serious threat to life on the planet. There will be more children dying from starvations in resource poor countries although the rich are getting richer in other parts of the world. New weapons of mass destructions are being made, the current drones killing thousands with no one to take blame will be outdated soon enough. Deforestation, the destruction of biosphere, our ocean becoming a waste dump, our lands filled with toxic, all these keep on happening. I think it's wonderful that we have people out there who are eternal optimists and can see light even in the darkest of times, but hope doesn't fix problems..It just makes them not seem so bad, humanity is a failed evolutionary experiment. Let another species have a chance, humanity screwed theirs up big time.
No, I am not depressed. I am not sad. This is a fact which I have come to accept. I am just detaching myself from the species and just become a spectator, with imaginary popcorn.
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