Almost everyone thinks there should be a purpose to everything. Why should we be here, what is our purpose, what we should or should not do to reach that purpose. As humans, we cannot have unanswered questions in our head lingering around like a pebble in our shoes. We have to have closure, to have a fully understanding of who, what, where, when, how and the often most elusive, the Why of things.
What if there is no purpose? Should there even be a purpose? Even if there is a purpose, how do we derive the purpose? How is this purpose communicated to us? It never ends actually. The questions that goes inside our head. We will never have all the questions fully resolved in our minds.
Maybe we should not have a purpose. Having a purpose or multiple purposes means we are setting expectations for ourselves and when we have expectations that are not met, we end up feeling let down and dissatisfied.
When we let go of preconceived purpose that we have, and not have ideas of what should or should not happen, we let go of the frustration, anger, disappointment and sadness we get when we fail from achieving the purpose. Then, only then, we are able to live in the now.
We live in the now when we have set no purpose of doing the things that we do. We do it for the sake of doing it itself, not for achieving a goal. For example, laughter is something that is recreational and non-purpose driven, something that is superfluous. But the effects of laughter is so obvious that everyone (normal) seeks it regularly. So is seeing the sunset or sunrise, Walking along the park watching kids play. That spontaneous, welcoming look from a lover. That smell of food.
Whenever we undertake an action solely for itself--when, that is, it's inherently pleasurable for us--it can be seen as purposeless. Because when it's not embarked upon to receive others' recognition, or accomplish any preset goal, it's literally pointless. But then, it makes you feel good.
Babies experience the purest of joy from having no sense of purpose. Their actions have no specific meanings but random, spur of the moment behavior. And they look at their world in awe and wonder because they have no expectations. When kids play, they don't ask whats the purpose of them playing. They simply play and enjoy.

And we are, all of us, are too insignificant to really have a purpose that will really have any impact on the Universe, really. But maybe, maybe, we can each have a purpose that have an impact on our own lives and the lives around us. And that is purposeful enough.
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