The beginning of the end - lost hope for the human race because of artificial intelligence or natural stupidity

I don't try to hide the fact that sometimes I feel down and I feel like shit. It has been a recurring problem and I must say that I am able to cope with it. But cope, that's all I can do. In fact, I am better than before. I quite know how to deal with it and I have identified why it came about. I suffer from hypothyroidism, which causes me to go into depression at times and it can be debilitating,at times.

But I think I went through upon many baptisms of fire in a life full of pulp fiction incidences and dramas, both fortunate and unfortunate ones, I have learnt a lot. I watch a lot of YouTube motivational videos and those things help, with their dramatic background music and of telling the stories of successful people that drive a sense in you , that you can get anything in life if only you desire and work hard enough for it. LOL.

I am quite disappointed with the human race actually. Being the only life form to be given the mental facilities to practically achieve anything, the human race have now finally reached peak stupidity. Imagine this: After thousands of years of evolution and fine tuning the mental, physical & spiritual aspects of human physiology, overcoming challenging phases of the environment and other threats; mankind has decided to create Artificial Intelligence. This is the dumbing down of mankind. Man is desirous to create intelligence robots or apps or softwares so that man don't have to think, so that tasks and jobs can be done optimally. The mind is the most advanced thing in the Universe! Yet, we are now creating things so that we don't have to use it. WTF! Utter stupidity. We are heading to doom ourselves and perhaps that should be the way because humans are the worst living creatures ever. Gifted with amazing mental abilities to comprehend the universe, humans destroys everything in its path and created environments, societies and cultures that makes life even harder for humans themselves. It's crazy. In creating artificial intelligence, humans have finally discovered natural stupidity.

There are more humans than ever on this planet and the population is growing at an epic rate. There is more demand for resources and the whole planet is constrained to keep the humans alive. I don't think this will last for long. Nature has a way of solving things and it won't be too difficult to exterminate humans for the benefit of planet earth.

And look at humans, as a race. It is simply too egoistic to not admit that it has made mistakes along the way. In its faulty systems that was created, be it religion, politics, economy or anything, humans keep on prodding along a faulty path, never wanting to stop anything that is clearly a blunder.

I am just going to be a spectator of unfolding events for mankind. I won't really take part in it, I will just be a bystander, a non-participant of this world. I do not belong to any groups, society, affiliations, associations or any of that sort.


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