Ramblings on Society
To feel "normal" and part of society, we rely on judgement of others. We dismiss our own needs and values to cater for others'. We are unable to express our natural urges without severe consequences from society. We are forced to believe we need the things that we don't. We sacrifice our dreams, our time and our souls to chase society’s ideals. And in the end, we have everything yet feel nothing.

It is evident in the schooling of our young where we see patterns of rigid obedience being formed from day one by teachers and officials. This leads, in turn, to misplaced obedience when these students become adults. We are taught from an early age that even minor disobedience will sharply increase the likelihood of scary prospects like personal failure and social chaos.

Domestication is the price of civilisation. Our anger and aggression, prohibited by society, now had to be diverted, bottled up and turned against ourselves. Modern humans may have less physical burden but the price to pay is mental degradation. We are physically healthy but we suffer from depression and anxiety. We display passive aggressive behaviours. We are confused of what we want and what we need. We are always late, we underperform at every task and we are never happy.

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