Malaysia Post 9 May : Liberal's Hypocrisy
The liberals, on the surface, provides an attractive concept of mankind: intellectualism, openness, human rights, not authoritative and modern. Cool. Values that are contrary to the conservative factions.
But their strength is also their weakness. Liberals have no strong values or support basis that they rely on, no pillars to hold, so they go by way of their own taste and obsession. Accusing others of being "sheep" and "obsessed" but in fact, liberals are equally if not more obsessed with being in their gangs and their own friends, remaining largely closed-minded.

This is also the main problem of Malaysia now, we do not know exactly where we are and what we want. But it's not and never liberal's fault, it's everyone else's fault. It's the old government fault, it's the ex-Prime Minister's fault, it's the religion's fault, it's the people's fault, its the race's fault and some even go to saying it's god's fault.
When people speak of different opinions they are called fascists, bigots, racists, extremists. The existing system is never right, patriarchy, oligarchy, racial institutions. In reality, most people accept the fate of their own failings. It's pretty lame to be using liberal terms to deny their own failures.

General Narrative of Liberals: Liberals = holy heroes
Because they are holy and just, and the enemy is despicable and evil, all tactics are okay and it's fine for them to curse other people's religion, style of living and even of thinking, This is the problem with liberals and now, post-May 9, it's Malaysia's problem. They have turned to be the bigots, racists, extremists that they themselves accuse others of.
An analogy of the liberals is like the first few friendly people that you would love to meet at a birthday party. They are friendly, welcoming and they pooh-pooh you with hugs and kisses, all merry and dandy. Meanwhile, the conservatives and traditionalist, are more observant and views you up and down, making you queasy and uncomfortable. But should they find the slightest problem that bothers their thinking and lifestyle, off they go with their own merry band of liberals and they will be saying that the party is not good enough for them, the people are boring and not welcoming and the music is bad and the food is stale. It's the conservatives that will have to carry the brunt of the work of clearing up the mess and cleaning the dirty dishes and this is when you really know the true value of hardcore ethics and the ethos of standing up for something.
I'm not saying they are totally bad, yes, they may serve some purpose to carry out the gaps left from the conservatives and the traditionalists. But they should not be too hung up about themselves because they should realise that they are now actually the problem, not the rest anymore.
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