Why Atheism , Liberalism, Feminism And Anti Racism Failed, Continues To Fail And Will Always Fail
Atheism, liberalism, feminism, anti-racism are not new concepts (1). Most originated from the West and they have been recently brought to the attention of society through social media and gained many followers. These are interesting concepts and they have humanistic values in each of them, especially anti-racism. I personally would want a world which is fair where everyone is treated equally. (actually, anti-racism is a good concept but too many people ride on this idea to leverage themselves that I think it should be included)
I have studied these concepts, dabbled here and there and observed them and I have come to the conclusion, at this point in time, that all of these would never get far.
These are the reasons:
Fanning Hatred
The proponents of these concepts initially start off well, to fight injustice, create awareness for society, protect the minorities, yes, they all have good intentions. But good intentions are never, ever enough to make ideas a reality. The most problematic issue to me is that the espousers of these concepts for most of their time spread hatred for the other people who are not in line with their ideas or concepts. For example, feminists will usually bash every single male out there, even the good ones in getting their messages across. An Atheist will bash people who are just doing what their religion ordered, liberals will criticize people doing things the traditional way when there is a better way of doing it and anti-racism people will label every racist a scumbag. And they do it with full of hatred, the same kind of hatred they say they are fighting against.
It might triumph temporarily, and maybe it currently has, and when it does its truly hideous and astonishingly formidable, but ultimately it is always kicked back into whatever hole it came from. Hatred, time and time again will never win. This is because as a species we naturally rail against it. We always rebel in the end. We will not stand for it. Not for long. Hate is a temporary fix - like the first spoon of nasi lemak on a hungry morning, it might feel like a fine solution at the time, but history won’t support them in that belief and its always an expression of underlying problems. People might buy into its syrupy, seductive promises for a while, don’t like to hate others in general. We are taught from kids to love and when adults we enjoy making love. This first point alone actually does more than enough to evidence that the concepts will eventually falter.
I support that females need more empowerment and they have been victimised in many many instances but I will never support the idea that man or patriarchy should be hated and fought against at all times.
The Arrogance of Righteousness and Superiority Complexes
All these concept fighters who in their heads think they are the Messenger of Peace For World Harmony (though they defiantly despise any Prophets) and almost all tend to be arrogant, condescending, quick to start a fight, quick to jump to assumptions about people and throw out labels like "misogynist", "sexist", “racist” while taking things entirely out of context (usually as a tactic to "defeat" someone's argument), All of them tend to have this irritating "everything I say and think is always right and everything you say and think is always wrong". They're often super judgmental and hostile towards people who don't agree with their opinions. Similar to all circle jerk mentality; there's little tolerance for differing opinions so therefore it becomes easy for people to get stuck in this mindset where they think they have all the answers and everyone else who disagrees is inferior to them. Differing beliefs is something I have no problem with, but an arrogant/chauvinistic personality is something I truly detest.
Don’t these people watch movies where the villain is always shown as arrogant and the hero is humble?
Playing Victim
If you look at most of the authoritarian regimes and insane genocidal movements that have existed you will find that the first thing they do is convince their followers that they're a victim of some other identifiable group. The reason for this is simple, there is a flaw in human psychology where people can justify committing horrific acts that they would otherwise consider repugnant if they believe they're a victim. Now, I don't think that leaders within the feminist movement have a horrible goal in mind but I think that the framing of the ideology (that everything is sexist and all disparities can only be explained by sexism) leads to them supporting behaviours and beliefs that feminists would find repugnant from others.
I am actually lazy to elaborate other points but I think those above are quite sufficient to not put the title of this posting totally pointless.
Selfish And Personal Reasons
Me, me, me, me

Not Beneficial To Followers
No solidarity (except for circle jerking) -
Even between themselves they argue most of the time and can’t come together to get a good body/organisation to actually put their ideas across in unity.
1) Correction on point 1:
Atheism, liberalism, feminism, anti-racism are not new concepts. Most originated from the West and they have been recently brought to the attention of society through social media and gained many followers. "
I beg to differ with regards to this statement esp on the Atheism aspect. It is not a western concept. Atheism has already existed in India and China. Perhaps you like to read on the various orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy, Samkhya, Yoga, and Mimamsa. The same as in China there's several schools of thoughts that are very atheistic in nature.
2) The title may be misleading and it should be that any form of extremism will fail.
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