Life Guidance For My Son and Myself In 2021
For Ammar,
Of Faith
There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger
No God but Allah means nothing else can have your absolute obedience. This should set you free from everything and everyone, but God. No one can judge you, no one can tell you are bad or good, that is reserved for Allah. And He knows everything. We are humans thus we can only know so much so we pray to Allah as we don't know everything.
Muhammad is Messenger means you must follow what the Prophet said not of other people
Not everyone believes the same. Being a Muslim, you’re a part of the truth. There will be people who will try to mislead you because they are misled themselves.
Solat and other rituals in Islam is very important because they are rock and the basis of life. Keep this strong and you will be strong and vice versa.
Be firm in this and the rest of faith will come to you. I trust you enough to know and do the rest.
Of friends
This will make or break you. This will determine what you are.
We are humans, we need friends. They influence us and you will influence them.
Do not hurt others. Don’t let anyone hurt you.
We need people to correct us to be the best version of ourselves. And we too make them that. We grow together. So if you can’t grow or they can’t grow around you, leave.
You will change so many friends in your life. This is a fact of life.
The more people you know, the more opportunities will open up for you.
Learn to be alone. You need time alone for yourself, because you need to love and be a friend to yourself too.

Of education (ilmu)
Education is important for 2 things
It makes you qualify for work
helps you think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to your success, and improves not only your personal satisfaction but also people around you
For it to work, you must have adab. Which is good manners. No point having all the education if you don’t have adab.
The fastest way to learn is to make mistakes so don’t worry about making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes but what's important is what you do after you make those mistakes.
Of money
Have money in your mind, not in your heart.
People are willing to do a lot of things to get money from you. Be careful.
Money you give to good causes and help people are never lost.
The best things in life are never money. But you need to have some money to get to them.
People who can't respect you when you don't have money don't deserve your respect when you have money.
Of responsibility
You are responsible for your own happiness. No one else.
The price of greatness is responsibility. You want to be a great person, you have to take on more responsibilities. With more power, comes more responsibilities, so it's a choice you have to make.
Responsibility = response-ability. If you don’t have the ability to respond, you’re dead. If you don’t have the inclination to respond, you’re a zombie. If you want to be strong and healthy, you need to exercise. It is the resistance in exercise that builds strength - and it is the resistance to our baser selves - AKA responsibility - that builds strength in our character.

Of being a leader
Like me, you are destined to lead. You can't escape from this.
You are a leader wherever you go, you should lead even if you are a follower.
Be confident and have courage, including the courage to admit that you can be wrong at some time and to apologise when you are wrong.
Be the inspiration that others need to face the future and they will long to be around you and you will be a need in people’s lives.
Basic of leadership is to do what you want people to do to you and to not do what you don’t want people to do to you. Do this and increase the level and see your level rise
You can't do everything alone, seek help. I am always here for you. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, not asking is.
Of health
From slight fever to AIDS, doctor’s advice is still the same “drink lots of water”. No sugar.
Eat only when you need to, know what is delicious and don’t overeat. Fast whenever you can.
Keep your food as simple as possible. The simpler the food, the better your mind function. Try this.
You need sleep to rest and grow and you need to sweat to have good sleep. Sweat and run because you will never know when this can actually save your life, or someone else's
Mental health is as important as physical health. Careful of what goes into your mind because even if you forget, the mind remembers forever.
What you believe will become true so believe in the best of thoughts that will happen for you. Don't worry too much because worrying only will make your fears become stronger and it makes you weaker.
Fight for tomorrow, live for today. It's okay, Insyaallah.
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