Fear, Hate and Ego

Of course it's always easy to blame others. It's others who don't follow SOP, it's others who are not listening to what the Government is asking people to do. Why can't these people stay at home? Antivaxxers are the ones causing all the numbers to rise to the extent that we have to undergo this 3rd MCO!

And it's all haywire, from the announcement to the SOPs to the letter of approval to cross districts, everyone is losing their heads!

And the only truth we cam be sure of is just one : people are suffering.

Either you are a poor person with many mouths to feed with no monthly income or if you are a rich person now unable to travel, the key ultimate truth is that EVERYONE is suffering.

Either economically, mentally, spirituality or medically, we are ALL suffering. No one is spared. This pandemic affects all of us, somehow or another.

The frontliners are doing a great job and they are tired. But so is everyone else. Nobody is NOT tired of the pandemic. We are now pushed to the edge of our sanity and our society is at the brink of total collapse. 

Yes, we are now looking at the possibility of being a country ravaged so much by the pandemic that nothing seems to work right now.

So what do we do when we are in this situation?

There are 3 major things that is forcing us to come apart right now. Fear, Hate and Ego.

1. Fear

We have so much fear in ourselves of the uncertainties in front of us that causes us to become angry in order to mask our fears. Because displaying fear is something that may be seen as a weakness, we translate our fears to become anger.

2. Hate

With the anger inside us we project it to our enemies of before that actually have no relevance to where and what we are now. But it's convenience. We are angry now with the same thing that angers us even before this pandemic. Just check your Facebook timeline. The same people are still angry at their same enemies before the pandemic! Only for different reasons, now.

3. Ego

We want to be the good ones, the hero in our own story that our minds narrate. So we take others to become the bad guys. We curse them hard, we attack Antivaxxers, we condemn those who travel home that create traffic jams but we never bothered to know or even understand why.

So these 3 things are what we need to rid of in ourselves before we can even have a conversation or discussion on what to do next to save people. With this 3 things inside of us we can keep on yelling angrily on our timelines. But if you look closer to every status of an angry person, that is actually a call for help.

Change ourselves first before we want to change others. You can't decide if you are emotional. Calm down and conquer your fears. Do not hate. Bring down your ego.


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